1 Boat (4) Anglers: $300
Includes: 1 Capt. Dinner, 1 Drink
4 Luncheon, 4 Drinks, 4 Shirts and a Bucket
Extra Angler: $50.00 Per Angler
- Exhibit a table to display information about your organization during event
- Eight (8) anglers to fish in the tournament
- Eight (8) tournament shirts
- Eight (8) tournament hats
- Two (2) bucket with fishing promotional items
- Two (2) Captains dinner and two (2) drink tickets
- Eight (8) luncheons and eight (8) drink tickets following the tournament
- Prominent signage on the “Big” check presented to winners
- Company Representative will present “Big” Check to winners
- Company logo on all pre-event marketing materials
- Company logo on Amber’s Animal Outreach event website
- Company website link advertised on Amber’s animal outreach website
- Company logo posted on Amber’s Animal Outreach Facebook event page
- Company logo on the general day of signage
- Company name announced at the awards ceremony
- Opportunity to offer promotional product in gift bags
- Company logo on fishing tournament shirt
- Exhibit a table to display information about your organization during Captain dinner
- Prominent signage throughout captain’s dinner area
- Four (4) Anglers to fish in tournament
- One (1) captain’s dinner and one (1) drink ticket
- Four (4) Luncheon and four (4) drink tickets following fishing tournament
- One (1) bucket with fishing promotional items
- Four (4) tournament shirts
- Four (4) tournament hats
- Company logo on fishing tournament shirt
- Company logo on all pre-event marketing materials
- Company logo on event website with a link to your company website
- Company name/logo posted on Amber’s Animal Outreach Facebook event page
- Company logo on the general day of signage
- Company name announced at Captains dinner
- Opportunities to offer promotional product in goody bags
- Exhibit a table to display information about your company/organization during luncheon day of the tournament
- Four (4) Anglers to fish in tournament
- One (1) dinner and one (1) drink ticket at captains meeting
- Four (4) luncheons and four (4) drink tickets following fishing tournament
- One (1) bucket with fishing promotional items
- Prominent signage throughout the luncheon/award ceremony area
- Four (4) tournament shirts
- Four (4) tournament hats
- Company logo on Fishing tournament shirt
- Company logo on all pre-event marketing materials
- Company logo on event website with a link to your company
- Company name/logo posted on Amber’s Animal Outreach Facebook event page
- Company logo on the general day of signage
- Company name announced at the Luncheon/award ceremony
- Opportunities to offer promotional product in goody bags
- Four (4) anglers to fish in tournament
- One (1) dinner and one (1) drink ticket at captains dinner
- Four(4) luncheons and four (4) drink tickets
- One (1) bucket with fishing promotional items
- Four (4) tournament shirts
- Four (4) tournament hats
- Company logo on Fishing tournament shirt
- Company logo on all pre-event marketing materials
- Company logo on event website with a link to your company
- Company logo on the general day of signage
- Company name announced during the captain’s Dinner and luncheon/award ceremony
- Opportunities to offer promotional product in goody bags
- Four (4) anglers fishing in tournament
- One (1) Captain dinner and one (1) drink ticket
- Four (4) luncheons and four (4) drink tickets following fishing tournament
- Four (4) tournament hats
- Four(4) tournament shirts
- One (1) bucket with promotional items
- Company logo on fishing hat
- Company announced at luncheon /award ceremony
- Company logo on Amber’s Animal Outreach event website with link to your company
- Company logo on the general day of signage
- Company logo on all pre-event marketing materials
- Four (4) anglers fishing in tournament
- One (1) Captains dinner and one (1) drink ticket
- Four (4) luncheons and four (4) drink tickets following fishing tournament
- Four (4) tournament hats
- Four (4) tournament shirts
- One (1) bucket with promotional items
- Company logo on fishing bucket
- Company logo on Fishing tournament shirt
- Company logo on all pre-event marketing materials
- Company logo on event website with a link to your company website
- Company name/logo posted on Amber’s Animal Outreach Facebook event page
- Company logo on the general day of signage
- Company name announced at the Captain’s Dinner and luncheon/award ceremony
- Opportunities to offer promotional product in goody bags
- Exhibit a table to display information about your organization during event
- Four (4) anglers fishing in tournament
- One (1) Captains dinner and one (1) drink ticket
- Four (4) luncheons and four (4) drink tickets following fishing tournament
- Four (4) tournament hats
- Four (4) tournaments shirts
- One (1) bucket with promotional items
- Prominent signage at the weigh-in station
- Logo on fishing tournament shirt
- Company logo on all pre-event marketing materials
- Company logo on event website with link to your company website
- Company logo on the general day of signage
- Company name announced at the luncheon/award ceremony
Fishing Shirts: $25
Luncheon Only Ticket: $20
Captain’s Dinner Extra Ticket: $30
You May Also Send Payment to: P.O box 1036 Loxahatchee, FL 33470
Rules and Regulations:
The Captains Dinner meeting will be held August 6th,2021 5:30pm-7:30pm at the Sailfish Marina. One team representative must be in attendance.
- Tournament hours of fishing are 6:30am-1:00pm August 7th, 2021
- All state & federal recreational fishing rules governing weight, size, bag limits and licensing must be observed. Only legal sized fish will be weighed.
- All fish must be caught on rod and reels (NO electric reels). Kites, downriggers, planners, and wire lines are permitted. No line test restrictions. Live, dead and artificial baits are permitted. No limits to the number of lines each boat can fish.
- Fish MUST be catch day of tournament during the tournament hours 6:30am-1:00pm
- Angler that catches the fish MUST be registered with the boat that was registered with the tournament. And proof of ID must be shown to claim prize
- Only ONE fish per category, angler can pick which category they want to weigh in for. (i.e. cannot have heaviest fish and ladies with same fish.)
- Tournament scales open 1:00pm and close at 2:00pm. Anglers entering fish must return to the weigh station by water, in the boat they fished from. No fish or anglers can be transferred between boats. All fish weighed in must be accompanied to the scale by the angler from the boat it was caught from and be weighed in the presence of the official tournament weigh Master. No mutilated fish will be weighed. In the event of a tie (identical weights), the first boat that weighed in will win the award based upon time.
- Fishing in the Bahamas is prohibited.
- There are NO REFUNDS for the tournament entry fee. There is no weather contingency day, each boat agrees to fish at their own risk and discretion.
**Lunch will be 1:00-3:00
**Awards/prizes and winners will be announced starting at 3:00pm, raffles, 50/50 and silent auction will follow.